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New School Year Tips to Stay Safe & Make it a Great Year!

Writer's picture: Law Office of Brehm BellLaw Office of Brehm Bell

It’s that time again - finding backpacks, packing lunches, after-school activities, and juggling their schedules with your own. School has started in Hancock County, MS, and while our own children are all graduates now, we remember the morning hustle of getting everyone out the door and on time.

But that often means rushed mornings, which can lead to speeding in school zones and distracted driving. Bikers, walkers and yes, newly-permitted and newly-licensed drivers are everywhere so use caution, especially in school zones. And give yourself enough time in the morning to safely get your students off to school.

Even if you don’t have students in school, all community members need to be aware and supportive of our students, faculty, and staff at our schools. I posted these tips below last year, so here’s a reminder of how we can lend support as the new school year kicks off.

BE MINDFUL OF TRAFFIC CHANGES particularly in the school zones, where we need to be extra attentive while driving. Avoid those areas if you can. If not, then slow down, set down your phone and don’t be a distracted driver.

OBEY THE SCHOOL DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP SYSTEM that each school has well thought out. Don’t double-park, which blocks visibility. Don’t load or unload students across the street to avoid the line, and try and carpool to reduce the number of vehicles around the school.

BE AWARE OF STUDENTS ON THE ROADS AND SIDEWALKS as they are boarding buses and walking or biking to and from home.

DEFER TO THE SCHOOL BUSES - it’s the law but also it’s the nice thing to do. Give them lots of room for children to board and onboard, stopping a good distance from the bus, whether you are driving toward or behind it. Buses make wide turns, so be sure to give them plenty of room if they are turning nearby.

SHOW SUPPORT to the teachers, faculty, support staff and students in our county. Whether it’s private or public, education is a top priority for our young people so let’s make a collective effort to make this the best school year yet!

My staff and I hope that this year is a fantastic year of growth and education for our school communities!


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