In case you’ve missed the yard signs, the TV ads and the social media posts, we’ve got an
election on the near horizon here in Mississippi. Election day is Tuesday, November 8, and here
in the state we will be choosing our representatives, judges and other leaders.
Politics is generally a prickly topic so I’m not talking political ideology here. We all have our
opinions on how to best run our county and state. But I think we can all agree that voting is a
critical, essential right and a duty that citizens should participate in. And to make that a bit
easier, here are some things to keep in mind as we approach our election next month.

On November 8th , the polls will be open 7am to 7pm to cast your vote. In Mississippi, you must
show a valid photo ID in order to vote so check here to make sure you have one that qualifies. And if you're not sure where to vote, go here to find your polling place locator.
If you’ll be out of town or unable to vote on November 8th , in-person absentee voting begins
October 29th and ends at noon on November 5th . This can be done at your county Circuit Clerk’s
office easily – just confirm the hours and bring a photo ID. This is ideal for our college students
as well, as they will often need to vote in their hometown or by mail-in ballot. To find where to
absentee vote in your county, go here and click on your county for the Clerk’s office location and phone number.
If you haven’t registered to vote in Mississippi already, sadly it’s too late for the election this
November. But I’d encourage you to be ready to take part in our upcoming elections by taking
the steps to register NOW. Our state makes the process fairly simple and the steps you need to
take to register can be found here . Once you are registered, you’ll be able to participate in local, state and federal elections, a vital right that each of us is granted as a United States citizen.
Some of you would never dream of missing a chance to vote, and that’s how I feel. Some may
be hesitant thinking it’s too complicated, but it’s not. And others might think that one vote
doesn’t matter, but it does. There are many countries where people are astounded that some
of us who can vote simply choose not to.
Like I’ve told my kids before, you can’t complain about the outcome if you don’t participate. I
encourage each one of you to get out and vote, not just in a few weeks, but every time the
opportunity arises to choose our leaders or make decisions about our governance. It’s a
privilege that we must not take for granted. And to our candidates, I thank each of you for your
willingness to serve.
If you have any more questions about voting here in Mississippi, you can find everything you
See you November 8th!